Team KLB – Cancer Blog


In June 2014, at the age of 31, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. When I shared my news with the world, I used these hashtags: #fuckcancer, #stayingpositive, and #teamklb. The following month it was discovered that I carry the BRCA 1 genetic mutation. I’m currently in remission. You will find posts about my Breast Cancer journey here.





After cancer treatment had ended, it was taking a long time for me to feel “normal” again. I still had low energy and things were “off”. I was referred to an immunologist and after a slew of testing and a very thorough discussion of my symptoms, I was diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID). I’ve continued using the #teamklb hashtag with posts about CVID. You can also view posts about my CVID journey here.


